CV-19 April Operational Status Update

CV-19 Operational Status
The EZYAIR Board and Management Team are continuing to monitor information related to COVID-19 (CV-19) and our priority remains the health and well being of our employees, clients and the community as a whole.
EZYAIR remains in a strong position, with all employees having now completed CV-19 infection control training and zero downtime due to the company running on Google Apps since 2007. All company processes, which includes communications, scheduling, billing, reporting, training, hardware, archiving, redundancy and disaster recovery, was designed to be remotely accessible by all EZYAIR employees at any time, anywhere in the world back in 2007.
When EZYAIR triggered ‘CV-19 Operational Status’, moving the Administrative and Sales teams completely to remote access took a matter of days, with no downtime experienced by either of the two company groups. The 3rd group (technical) continued to work and experienced no downtime at all.
EZYAIR have significant resources to protect the health and wellbeing of their staff, customers and suppliers - and has expanded it’s CV-19 Operational Status to include:
- EZYAIR are monitoring the health of our staff on a daily basis to ensure they are fit to work.
- All employees have been instructed to stay home if they are experiencing any symptoms of influenza or COVID-19.
If any employee has been in contact with someone who has experienced symptoms of the influenza or COVID-19 have been instructed to stay at home.
All EZYAIR employees, including Management, Administration and Technical team members have now completed COVID-19 Infection Control Training from Australian Department of Health.
Prior to all bookings, site contacts now receive a text message the evening before to confirm the ETA of our technical team and to screen customer symptoms of the common cold, influenza or COVID-19 or has been in contact with anyone with the same. If there is any risk the job will be postponed to date mutually acceptable to EZYAIR and site contact.
EZYAIR technical staff have respirators, masks, gloves and eye protection as part of their standard PPE kit will continue to use PPE on all instances as required.
- All technical team members will travel in cars independently.
- All sales members will work remotely.
- All administrative members will work remotely.
Technical teams are rostered in a way to minimise / mitigate contact with other teams.
- EZYAIR staff will keep at least 1.5m away from customers.
EZYAIR staff have been instructed to keep at least 1.5m away from each other while working.
- Hand sanitiser is provided to each member of the technical team to use before and after each job.
- All EZYAIR staff have been instructed to wash hands with soap and water where possible.
Handshaking is prohibited, but a friendly wave or an elbow bump is legit.
- EZYAIR staff have disinfectant spray to disinfect their tools and toolboxes after each use.
- Sharing of hand tools is prohibited to stop potential cross contamination.
- Staff have been instructed to sanitise steering wheel, gear selector, parking brake, door handles (interior and exterior) radio controls, AC controls, window switches, sun visor, seat belt clips, indicator stalks of every car.
- All air conditioning systems at EZYAIR HQ have been sanitised by EZYAIR.
All employees will have their personal air conditioning systems sanitised by EZYAIR.
Due to the sophisticated sales systems developed over the last 13 years, EZYAIR are prepared and ready to quote almost all jobs remotely.
If an onsite quote is required, the combination of all EZYAIR’s preventive measures, which includes screening, PPE, personal distancing, cross contamination prevention and general hygiene practices integrated into the onsite quote.
Conclusion of Statement of Operations:
EZYAIR enacted their CV-19 Operational Plan quickly and efficiently and had a disaster management plan in place within a week of the Pandemic being declared. EZYAIR will continue to take advice from Federal and State Health Departments and will keep the public updated of any changes.
Until then, EZYAIR will be trading under CV-19 Operational Status.
Should you have any queries or require more information, please contact EZYAIR on 1300 399 247 or email: